Madara Dobele. The concept, potential and development perspectives of urban agriculture in Latvia
Madara Dobele (ORCID:
"The concept, potential and development perspectives of urban agriculture in Latvia"
- Doctoral thesis for the Doctoral degree of Science (Ph.D.)
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DOI: 10.22616/lbtuthesis/2023.010 - Summary of the Doctoral thesis for the Doctoral degree of Science (Ph.D.)
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The defense of the doctoral thesis will be held at an open meeting of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Promotion Council for Economics and Business, sub-brunch of science – Agrarian and Regional Economics, on November 3, 2023, in Jelgava, Svetes Street 18, Faculty of Economics and Societal Development, room 212 at 9.00 a.m.
Scientific supervisor of the doctoral thesis: professor of the Faculty of Economics and Social Development, LBTU, Dr. oec. Andra Zvirbule. (ORCID: